OC Sport

OC Sport is a global event company who specialise in organising and managing global sporting events in cycling, sailing, long-distance running and triathlons. These internationally renowned events included the Extreme Sailing Series, Haute Route, Geneva Marathon, UTMB. These are events that to bring together sports enthusiasts who enjoy a challenge and want to be a part of an unforgettable experience.

During my time at OC Sport, I worked in conjunction with other internal and external teams to design assets to promote the events across national and international audiences. An overall consistent bold look was created across all media to present the event information in a clear and engaging way to the spectators. Design assets ranged from Google search ads and Facebook banner ads to promote online viewing, to posters, billboards and race village materials delivered across the locations and on-site.


  • Working across internal and external teams

  • Delivering print-ready materials and liaising directly with printers

  • Creating online assets (Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, newsletters)

  • Working across multiple languages for national and international audiences

  • Creating brand templates, presentations and data spreadsheets (Keynote and Microsoft Office)

You can visit OC Sports website at: www.ocsport.com


Team Max


Yo Row!